Wednesday 23 June 2010

Gearing up again!!

It has been el scorchio in Henley today!! Finally. I find the weather really depressing in this country sometimes but I love it when the sun shines and the buzz around the Royal really starts. Lots of American crews thumping up and down the river (and not necessarily going that quickly either I’m afraid to say), the booms jumping out at unsuspecting scullers, the island creeping out to get you when the circulation pattern changes. Yes, I am ashamed to say that a couple of years ago, I crashed into the island, not once, but twice in two weeks following the booms going downstream and just being in my own little world. I got my come uppance by being catapulted out of the stern of my boat both times.....idiot. I’m not sure which was worse though; the fact that I did it twice, or the fact that the piling guys who were moored up alongside just watched me do it and let me scramble my way back into the boat with my tail between my legs and my ego in tatters!!

The boat is loaded and the weight making process begins again (I gain weight when I fly)...

Am starting to look forward to the weekend’s racing in Holland now – it’s the Holland Beker (the ACTUAL Beker is the heavy men’s event, with a Ladies’ Trophy on offer for the big girls as well) on the Bosbaan in Amsterdam. The race plan is coming together a lot more, Julia (my baby sister, confidante, coach, general cricket in my ear) is keeping her beady eye on me and wheedling out my “shitnesses” as we like to call them, and we’re gaining in confidence. I hadn’t realised who I’d been racing at the weekend, and feel happy that I have managed to gain some good speed in the ten weeks I have been back in training.

I have been really surprised at people’s genuine happiness for me following the weekend’s racing. I bumped into John Mottram this afternoon while I was doing weights, and he was full of bounce at his own amazing achievement, completing the RAAM (Race Across America) in a team with Sir Steve Redgrave. I am so pleased for him too and I think we both choked up at each other’s mutual success. Apparently Steve is in a bad way from a really nasty fall - I wish him a speedy recovery! As John left me, it hit me that three months ago I could barely get out of bed and that I’ve actually won something worthwhile. I’m afraid I came over all snotty and tearful in the middle of the weights room! As for John, I couldn’t think of a nicer man to have done something so amazing – they rode ALL the way across America. It’s a bloody long way! It reminds me of a Snoopy cartoon I saw once in the CRA boathouse in Cambridge. Snoopy is rowing a dinghy along, underneath the caption: “C’est loin, l’Amerique!” Damn right, little dawg!

Julia is coming over tomorrow and we’re driving up to Stansted. I’m going to miss my boy’s been ages since we last had a night apart. I remember when I first split up with my husband being asked if I found the nights the worst and most lonely part of the break-up. I had to honestly say that I noticed no change. It was so rare – due to my husband’s different sleep patterns – that we actually went to bed at the same time! Now to fall asleep being held by someone who loves you (and who you love so completely too) is a prerequisite in my book! It’ll be strange to be away from him but times like this make you appreciate the every day a whole lot more. He went and did a time trial tonight – faster than last week despite a funny wind and a load of mental stress – I love watching him ride and I felt so happy that he was prepared to give up a night at the Hayes circuit last night to help Ze German celebrate her birthday at Stein’s in Richmond. I think he knows how much I value Jules and her unending support. You’ll hear LOADS more about her I promise...suffice it to say we’ll have a little corner of Bavaria in Ancastle Green very shortly!

Peace – Out. Time for beddy byes xxx

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