Wednesday 23 March 2011

Thrilla in Sevilla!!

So, to summarise: it's windy! However, the sun is shining, and it's not freezing cold, so really, there's not much to moan about! I have been made to feel very welcome by the Mortlake girls and coaches, and appreciate hugely the invitation to join them - it makes such a huge difference having people to train with and chat about training and where we're all heading!! A week's worth of decent training in a nice group will do me the world of good, and it's also outing number 7 (three of those completed today) in the shiny yellow floaty boaty.....I'd better get used to it by the first race on 1st May (Wallingford Regatta) as then it's only four weeks to the first World Cup in Munich!! Eek!
I'm feeling a little bad being away though, as poor Jules is laid up at home after suffering a catalogue of disasters and NHS cock-ups. Having been unceremoniously ejected off a recalcitrant nag, she was taken to the Royal Berks in Reading, where she was told she had soft tissue damage and should go home. When she asked how that would work exactly, she was offered crutches and packed off with the words, "We hope you live in a bungalow". After about three weeks of pain, and hobbling about, enough was enough and she went elsewhere (thank F for private health insurance) find that she has broken her pelvis and shattered her sacrum. Nice.
The wonderful boy and I had her to stay in our little bungalow where she was looked after by Fidel (who I think more than fell in love with her because she stayed in one place for more than ten minutes and gave him a nice warm place to cuddle up in), and then Herman the German bowled into town like a knight in shining Lederhosen (OK, not quite) to take over for a couple of weeks. Her Dad is great value, and I was a little worried that I offended him when I first met him, because I gave him such a big hug as it felt like I'd always known him although I'd never met him not the done thing to an elder person in German society!! Still, as Valerie pointed out, most blokes wouldn't mind a blonde launching herself at them.... Anyway, long story short, there is one seriously narked German in Henley who can't wait to get her hands on the Chief Exec of the Berkshire PCT!
I'm off to bed now, as I didn't sleep a wink last night. It would appear we are bang smack in the middle of spaghetti junction here and the noise is incredible!! Going from our lovely quiet little bungalow in Henley to this is a living earplugs and Nytol are the order of the day (night). I miss Richard terribly....this will be the first time we've been apart for more than a night or two in over eighteen months and it's very odd. I think I must have it bad, because I fell apart when he dropped me off at the station...I'm a big girl, I've travelled on my own an awful lot, and I'm used to being away....Christ, I was in boarding at age seven, so I really don't know what is happening....could it be love??? ;o)
No blisters to report...yet. Watch this space!

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