Thursday 26 May 2011

Time trials, thunder storms, horrible tin can cars....

It's probably best if I don't mention how long it's been since I last blogged.
Well, it's the first World Cup round this weekend in Munich, and Team Zambia is primed and ready for the new time trial system being tested this weekend as contingency for unfair weather conditions next year. I mean, come on, Dorney isn't unfair. Wait a minute. That's the OFFICIAL line. Anyone racing at Wallingford Regatta three weeks ago might have a slightly different opinion, myself included. And why is it that van Deventer ALWAYS gets lane 6 or 7 when it's a raging cross-head, sheltering Lane 1 etc? Apparently the wind isn't an issue in August though. Funny, I could have sworn the Worlds in 2006 were windy as well...
Ah well.
So, I have had a few ups and downs, not really in a training sense, rather emotionally and motivationally, hence the radio silence. The Constitution, which included a new clause providing for dual nationality, was not accepted when it went to the Zambian Parliament in March, which means a long wait until the elections are over, and the Bill goes before Parliament again. This means no passport for the time being, but I remain positive, hopeful and as the saying goes, I haven't heard any fat ladies singing yet. I will race all three World Cups, probably the Holland Beker again as it is a fantastic event, and then I will row the Zambezi in July. When God closes one door, he opens another, and I am very thankful to be able to take part in the Row Zambezi Expedition - more info here: I'll blog more about this another time.
Tomorrow morning is the time trial, with the top two boats from each heat progressing to the semi finals. I have Greece no2, Poland no1, Uzbekistan, Poland no2 and The Netherlands (Frenken, whom I raced at the Holland Beker and who I am dying to have another pop at). I will take each stroke at a time, and get from A to B in the fastest and best time I can get out of myself. JPM was very happy with my paddling and bursts this afternoon, and the new boat set up is working really well for me. We've had some issues with blades (long, woeful story) so I am very grateful to Louise Wymer (nee Carey) for her generosity and understanding in allowing me to use her set as mine did not arrive from Australia in time. Other than that, training has been going very well in the main part, and now it remains to see how I stack up against the rest of the world!
I am currently waiting for the boy's flight to take off as it is delayed due to weather. No such issues for JPM and Jill, as they drove overnight to get here for about 2pm! I think they did stop for three or four hours, but I am still an extremely lucky girl to have had such support and efforts made for me and my little project.
I wish that my lucky German was here. However I know that she is on my shoulder, driving me on, as I am with her in spirit while she deals with her own nightmare of broken pelvises, Berkshire PCT cock-ups, misdiagnoses and failures. Once again, she proves to me just what the human mind can achieve, and what strength of character really means. She is truly an inspiration to me and I hope that I can repay her the same somehow.
Oh, and one more thing. If you ever think you might like to buy a Chevrolet Spark, don't. Just don't. Tin and can spring to mind, not to mention the complete lack of any power! I swear, I have to wait for the biggest gaps in the traffic that I can find to get out in time without having some German driver ramming me up the backside (so to speak).
Peace, out.

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