Thursday 1 July 2010

In their honour.

It is time. The cat is out of the bag.
The entry list for the World Cup in Lucerne is now out and it is time to tell you probably the worst kept secret in history. Funny how the words “Please keep this under your hat, but.....” seem to bring people out in a cold sweat, and they are completely unable to keep whatever juicy morsel they have been told under wraps.
Anyway, I am entered, officially able to race for the country where I grew up and where my roots are still firmly in the ground. The Zambian rowing team has its first international entry since their acceptance as a new federation under FISA!
It is a difficult thing to explain to people, why I have chosen not to represent GB any more and go it alone with no funding, no free physio, travel, kit...the whole dog and pony show. However, I will spend some time formulating my thoughts and share them with you. In the meantime, it is enough just to say that I am honouring my father, my beautiful cousin Silky, my heritage and roots...and for anyone who knows Africa, the pull of the African sun, the fish eagle’s cry, the smell of rain coming, the widest, darkest sky at night and the brightest stars you have ever seen.
For my own bright stars, who I hope look down and bless my dream, Linde van Deventer and Silky van Deventer.

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