Tuesday 6 July 2010

That weird empty feeling...and frights, frocks and friendship!

I wonder if anyone else experiences this...that odd feeling of void emptiness, when nothing more can be done. No more training, the season is all but over for everyone else, the clubhouse is deserted and I am now just waiting. Oh yes, and packing. And doing laundry that should have been done by now but of course has been left until the last minute.

What? Don’t tell me I’m the only one who does this!

Anyway, we are leaving early tomorrow morning for another SleazyJet experience, Lucerne-bound. This time Team Zambia has doubled in size – with Julia, Richard and I travelling in the morning and Jules joining us on Thursday night. We are happy, excited...all has been organised and the GB Team Manager has been kind enough to let me put my boat on their trailer over there. I had written to him out of courtesy to let him know what was happening, and to explain my reasons to him. I was very keen that he didn’t feel that I was changing to Zambia out of disgruntlement or a desire to snub anyone. Not that I think he actually particularly cares, but diplomacy has always been one of my strong points.

So, the first heat is a couple of days away. I had decided not to race at Henley Royal Regatta this year, and looking at the conditions, being a lightweight would definitely have counted against me, as I believe would have the stations. Sometimes there are funny squalls that appear when there is a cross wind, which are a result of a gust whipping over the enclosure tents along the course and then dumping onto the Berkshire station. Add to that the stream (which this year wasn’t actually a factor I don’t think) and then which side you are on can also make a difference. Which brings me to Dorney Lake....actually, let’s not. Perhaps another time.

I only went to watch the Regatta on Friday, going to the Stewards Enclosure with Jules, Dani, Julia and my handsome chap in his new blazer. It was a really odd atmosphere that day, not like previous years, and I can’t quite put my finger on why it felt strange there. Being with my special people was fabulous though, and we all put our best feet forward, which sadly can’t be said for some of the mutton that was on parade...catty, yes. True? Totally.

I was so tired from training (I have been going solid for 6 weeks since my last “adaption week” and am ready for the long-awaited Lucerne taper) that we didn’t go any other day and I’m glad we didn’t. Driving through Henley on Sunday morning for a good long paddle before racing started, the destruction and mayhem of Henley Saturday were evident. It was horrible, and makes the Regatta sometimes very unpleasant to be at. The landing stage was like a war zone, with broken glass, debris and vomit littering the Upper Thames frontage. Walking down Remenham Lane with my blades on Saturday afternoon, we got into an altercation with these (for want of a better word) Chavs who kept on grabbing them and waggling them about. One of them ended up with a blade-end in his gut after about the fourth time...I am more and more tempted to avoid it altogether next year!

However I wonder if the disappointment of the racing will be for some a huge incentive for raising their game this weekend in Lucerne. I sincerely hope so, and wish everyone who is racing huge luck.

I am now going to continue wandering around in an aimless way trying to pack and be focussed! My mad kitten, Fidel (as in Catro...yes, he does have a machine gun purr, and he will soon be Fidel Castrato, poor thing!) is racing around the house like a mad thing, sliding across the kitchen floor and, completely unable to stop himself, charging headfirst into the dishwasher, which totally captivates him every time we open the door. Evidence below...

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